Last week I shared some feelings about turning 25 . Since then, my girlfriends threw me a celebration in Milwaukee on Saturday and it was the Best. Day. Ever. We spent the whole day laughing and dancing and I left feeling so lucky to have friends as perfect as them. Having a solid group of girls in your corner is such an important thing and, though I may be biased, I think I have the best in mine! Per my request, we all wore vintage clothing and spent the day brunching, thrifting, and drinking cocktails (cue Julie Andrews: “These are a few of my favvvorite things”). It was so much fun that I thought I would give you a little recap of our day and some tips on hosting your own “Girl Gang Only” party!
First things first, theme it! It’s no secret that I LOVE a good theme. In my mind, a party’s not a party unless I can wear a fun outfit and make a bunch of really bad puns. Turning 25 was making me feel like an antique, so it seemed fitting that we all dressed accordingly! Not all of my ladies were exactly thrilled about dressing up in public and getting stares. That being said, everyone still put their own spin on the idea and had fun with it! The fact that they all made an effort towards something that I’m interested in meant so much to me. So if you’re throwing a party for one of your girlfriends, I would suggest keeping their hobbies in mind when choosing your theme. They will get a kick out of all their favorite people taking the time to do something that they love 🙂
Make it a stay-cation. We opted to get an Airbnb and stay the night in Milwaukee (my boyfriend covered it for us as a birthday gift, thanks Dillon!). I think turning your girls day into an overnight takes so much of the stress away from the day. Everyone was able to get ready together, have some drinks without worrying about driving, and stay out late dancing without having a long commute home. At one point we were all laughing at ourselves because we Ubered around all day, were staying in an Airbnb, sat around on our phones looking at Grubhub to get delivery dinner, and the idea of ordering puppies was seriously considered. In 2017, you can literally get anything you want with 3 clicks, so why not take advantage? Renting out a house will give you room to spread out and make your girls day feel like a giant sleep over.
Brunch is the most important meal of the day. We decided to skip out on doing a fancy dinner that night and instead made our main meal brunch. I think this is such a fun way to start the day with a group of girls. It gave us the chance to sit around and catch up before heading out shopping and bar hopping. Also, better lighting for photos, which realistically is an important thing to consider when parading around with a group of 10+ females. We brunched at Merriment Social and it was awesome! Their cocktail menu had me fangirl-ing hard. So if you happen to be in the Milwaukee area, I would definitely recommend it.
Below is Riverview Antique Market *heart eyes* Check this one out too!
Most important: DANCE PARTY! Later that night we headed back out after spending time recovering in sweats and getting some much needed Jimmy Johns. We ended up at Whiskey Bar, which is the perfect spot for a girl’s night out! There is a giant dance floor that we claimed a corner of, and spent our entire night on it. A dance party is the perfect way to end the night with your Girl Gang, so make sure to consider that when choosing a bar to hangout. Bonus points for places that take requests because, let’s be real, after 3 drinks everyone thinks they’re a master DJ.
I hope this inspires you guys to plan your own #GirlGangOnly party! We seriously had a blast, and I couldn’t have asked for a better way to spend my 25th birthday. This was one for the books 🙂
Xo Amanda
Y’all are too cute. Love this!